Legal Information

All information below should be nearly up to date. can not be held responsible for any illegal activities on your part. We always advise you check local regulations to make sure.


In Short: Currently only legal for landowners to dispatch animals on their land. Possibility for a $50 bounty per pair of ears depending on location.

Email from Dave Kay

Feral wild boar are not classified as wildlife in Alberta, and thus receive no protection under the Wildlife Act. Additionally, feral wild boars have been declared a pest species by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD) and are covered in their Pest and Nuisance Control Regulation under the Agricultural Pests Act. This legislation does not provide for anyone except owners or occupants of land to control or destroy pest species. Given that there is no authority provided to private persons to destroy feral wild boar, except landowners and occupants of land, inquiries should be referred to AARD for advice.

British Columbia

In Short: Fully legal no permit required.

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

It is now legal for licensed hunters to harvest feral pigs anywhere in the province, under a new regulatory amendment designating the animal as "Schedule C" wildlife.

Designating feral pigs as Schedule C under the Wildlife Act's Designation and Exemption Regulation will assist in reducing their numbers and also provide hunters an opportunity to harvest them that was not previously available. Feral pigs can be aggressive, and may pose a threat to the public or a hunter if they are wounded. Accordingly, the regulation requires anyone harvesting a feral pig to possess a valid hunting licence, to ensure only trained and certified hunters harvest

The regulatory amendment also designates European wall lizards and non- native turtles as Schedule C invasive species, removing the requirement to obtain a permit before trapping or killing these invasive species.


Permission from the landowner or lawful occupant is required before hunting on private property.

Hunting wild boar at-large on most Crown land is permitted, except for wildlife refuges, provincial or federal parks, or ecological reserves.

All big game hunting requirements must be complied with;

Within 7 days of killing a wild boar, the hunter must report the incident to Manitoba Conservation or Manitoba Agriculture and Food;

A person hunting wild boar:

  • does not require a license, tag or permit,
  • can hunt 7 days a week,
  • there is no bag or possession limit,
  • shotguns do not require a plug, and
  • hunter orange dress is not required, but is highly recommended (future regulatory amendment will make this mandatory); and 

A person hunting wild boar is restricted to the following equipment types:

  • a centrefire rifle,
  • a 16 or 20 gauge shotgun firing slugs,
  • a 10 or 12 gauge shotgun firing slugs or OO Buck (or larger),
  • a .45 caliber (or larger) muzzleloader firing a single projectile,
  • a long bow or recurve requiring not less than 40 pounds draw weight at 28 inches draw. Broadhead must be at least 7/8 inch in diameter, or
  • a compound bow set at not less than 40 pounds peak draw weight at 28 inches draw. Broadhead must be at least 7/8 inch in diameter, or
  • a cross bow requiring not less than 150 pounds draw weight and a bolt having a broadhead with a minimum 7/8 inch diameter.

New Brunswick

Email from fish and wildlife NB

Due to there being no established hunting season under the New Brunswick Fish & Wildlife act to hunt wild boar, it is illegal to hunt wild boar in NB.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Email from Sharon Vokey

It is currently illegal to hunt Wild Boar within the province of Newfoundland & Labrador as this species is not listed in the Hunting Order. Also, Boar are not listed as a permissible species under Schedule B of the Wildlife Regulations so Section 83 prohibiting the import of wild boar without written permission from the Minister would apply. I have attached the link to our Wildlife Regulations for your information.

Northwest Territories

In Short: There are currently no known boars in NWT. There currently isn't any hunting legilation in place

On Behalf of the Honourable J. Michael Miltenberger:

Thank you for your email dated August 15, 2013 inquiring into the hunting laws with respect to wild boar in the Northwest Territories. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is responsible for stewardship, monitoring the status of wildlife and regulating it’s protection and use.

To our knowledge, there currently are no wild boars in the Northwest Territories. Private individuals brought a few in to a community in the southern NWT some years ago but they escaped, becoming a nuisance animal. It is believed they have all died off.

Under our Wildlife Act, wild boars are not considered wildlife. Section 1.3 (1) of the Act defines wildlife as “a vertebrate, except a fish as defined in the Fisheries Act (Canada), that in its natural range is found wild in nature and is naturally occurring in the Territories, and any part of that vertebrate and includes an egg of that vertebrate”. Although a vertebrate, it would not be in its natural range nor is it naturally occurring. If somebody wants to bring wild boars into the NWT, they would have to apply to the Superintendent of Wildlife for a License to Import Live Vertebrates. This would have to be approved by the Department of ENR in consultation with Aboriginal Governments.

Nova Scotia

In Short: There is currently no Wild Boar in NS, but if there were they would be regulated like coyote/crow.

Email From Mike O'Brien We do not have (and hope to continue not to have) any free ranging feral swine in Nova Scotia. Hence there are no regulations re hunting them. There are regulations making it illegal to release any wildlife without a permit and or course we wouild not permit a wild boar release. Feral swine would come under the jurisdiction of the wildlife act as under current NS legislation wildlife is any vertebrate animal living or capable of living in the wild in Nova Scotia ( and includes all exotic, non-native wildlife . If feral swine were to appear in NS , we would no doubt address them as what we call "Other Harvestable Wildlife" with no bag limits and few restrictions on harvest ( e.g.similar to Coyotes, crows now)

If you want more detail please check out our Wildlife Act and regulations on NS dept of Justice website.


Coming Soon


NEW: Wild Boars can be hunted in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell . You need to have a hunting license. All kills and sightings must be reported to Mary Dillon.

MNRF is authorizing landowners and hunters to kill any wild boars sighted as per Section 54 (5) of the FWCA.

Memorandum to Residents

Prince Edward Island

No open season on Wild Boar

If a boar is found you need to call your conservation office or RCMP and they will send someone out to dispatch it. They will then fine the person it got away from.

You need a permit to bring in wild boar into the province of PEI


Email from Ministry of Environment in Quebec

If a wild boar move from another province or country, in our province in the nature, in that case the hunting is absolutely forbidden. The regional wildlife officers concerned must be advised.

The hunting for wild boar is allowed only in game rancheses (hunting Enclosure). The regular hunting for wild boar is not allowed


Only Saskatchewan residents are legally allowed to hunt wild boar in Saskatchewan

Wild/Feral boar do not require a license to hunt.

You do not need RM permission anymore to hunt wild boar.

You do not need to inform a CO that you killed a wild boar

Wild boar is open season all year long and there is no limit on the amount of wild boar one can take.

You can hunt wild boar during a big game season without a license but you can’t accompany a big game hunter similar to if your hunting coyotes.

Baiting is only allowed on private or leased land.

You can dispatch a wild boar within a provincial forest or on un-occupied crown land if you can legally hunt in the area.

Wild boar cannot be pursued or killed in a Provincial Park or Wildlife Management Units unless a hunting season is in effect and the person holds a valid big game licence for that season.

Dogs cannot be used to hunt wild boar unless you receive a permit from the government to do so. Which is unlikely unless you are a paid exterminator.

Pursuing wild boar is similar to licenced hunting activities in that all the safety regulations and land access rules apply. Hunters are advised to ask permission before accessing any private land. It is a violation to hunt on posted land without permission or to hunt contrary to posted instructions.

No magazine round limit including in shotguns, federal laws still apply to magazine caps.

No minimum caliber requirement.

No trapping, no poison, no dogs


This is an email I received from Peter Gibson

My name is Peter Gibson. I am a conservation officer with Yukon Department of Environment. Your e-mail was forwarded on to me for response.

As you acknowledged in your e-mail, Yukon does not have any wild boar, and as a species absent from Yukon, there is no legislation regarding the species or hunting of it in the Yukon Territory.

Should wild boar appear in Yukon in future, legal issues surrounding conservation and hunting of the species would have to be dealt with by the legislature.